
R. Buckminster Fuller is the famous inventor of the Geodesic dome.
Fuller did not regard himself as an inventor, but as a discoverer of Natures own building method. The Geodesic concept has always been present in the form
of crystals, molecules and atoms. Fuller discovered this system and started
using it in structural connection as early as 1948.
Through the times these buildings have been constructed from all kind of
material, clay, skin, all parts of trees, and even of snow. The round form was preferred because of its effective protection against climate and weather.
It also was simple to erect and easy to keep warm.
The foremost important thing with the Geodesic dome concept is the triangle.
The surface of a Geodesic dome is divided in triangles, which in fact is
the principle form of all structural stability. Such a dome is therefore a very effective method of building and has a design that utilizes the bearing strength
of any material to the maximum.
The word Geodesic actually means ’division of the planet’.
This dividing of the geodesic dome happens along the so-called grand circles
like for instance the equator. Definition of a Geodesic line is :
'The shortest line between two points along a grand circle on a globe’.
The result being a twenty sided Platonic solid; icosahedron in Greek.
Geodesic grid-domes are based on nature’s own building methods and present
a high architectural esthetic value. The building method is a high-tech concept
and the most outstanding of today’s building art on an international level.
The natural energy preserving capacity of the Geodesic dome would be
a very good alternative for building in the future.