
Dismantling 1992
The radar dome was demantled by Marc Ardin.
Located on a hilltop outside Oslo it had functioned for years
as an aerial radar antenna for airplane approach.
‘The Volvo Globe’ O.L.1994
Later he reconstructed the dome at the beach of the big lake Mjøsa in Lillehammer, for ‘Lillehammer Strandpark’, a project for O.L purposes.
Raised on the ice for Volvo at a 36 feet in height, with shop and exhibition inside, it served as a centre where the public could watch the O.L. videos
in between the real actions. The cars were exhibited out in the snow,
with opportunity for the public to test-drive on the thick ice of the lake. Temperatures were hanging on to ca. 30-35 degrees below during the O.L. time.
‘Norsk Luftfartsmuseum’ 1998
(Norwegian Aviation Museum)
After the Olympics were finished, the dome was transported to Bodø
and has been raised once more along the road to Bodø Airport, under the supervision of Marc Ardin. Rebuilt as a museum, the two radar electronic
units were re-installed inside on the platform. Today is offered a complete
radar dome to the public with various exhibitions in the beautiful base socket.
’Embryonic’ 2000
’Mobile Cultural Exhibition Unit’
Then Marc Ardin buildt another dome for ’Nye Media’ in Fredrikstad,
a flexible and adapted exhibit unit for electronic art, which is meant to
function as catalyser of various production types for milieu objectives.
This is meant to be a contribution for future artists to take into use creative digital room. Such a mobile cultural unit, linked to a central production centre, will enable contact between the different exhibitions.
'The Volvo Globe'
'Norsk Luftfarts
museum' Bodø