Throughout history, practitioners of the healing arts have been aware of the importance of the spine and the vital nerve trunks protected by it.
It is reported that Hippocrates admonished his disciples to look well
to the spine when treating disease.
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are also said to depict spinal manipulation.
Such widely diverse early cultures as those of the Incas, Chinese,
Ancient Greeks, and American Indians, are all said to have used spinal manipulation or massage for healing purposes. Spine walking is still practiced today in Japan, and is reported to have been carried out
by trained bears in Eastern Europe until quite recently.
Chiropractic was founded by Dr. Daniel David Palmer in 1895.
He wrote: ' I'm not the first person to replace vertebrae, but I do claim to replace displaced vertebrae by using the spinous and transverse processes as levers....and to develop the philosophy and science of chiropractic.'
He also wrote: 'Not enough nerve-energy is disease.'
Orthopaedic, osteopathic, chiropractic physicians and other healing arts practitioners have been treating disease by using a variety of techniques
for adjustment or realignment of the spine.
Spinology is derived from Dr. D.D Palmer's techniques.
Spinology is a branch of chiropractics.
Spinologists are not doctors and do not try to cure disease.
The objective of the Spinologist is to restore nerve flow throughout,
for the body to heal itself.
Spinologists realize that each individual body has knowledge of the correct positioning of its vertebrae. Spinologists manipulate with their hands
to allow the body to find its own adjustments and corrections.

The Center
The Staff
At work
The technicians