Vangenhøi history
This place in Ringsaker then, came to be our seat and headquarters when back in Norway.
The site has been used since 1638, first in the old days by bondsmen under a big farm down in the valley later as a crofter’s settlement by many. Later again as a small-holding in the ownership of petty farmers. We found it had been untended for
a long time. Renovating, repairing, expanding, building, creating gardens and park sections, not to speak of nursery and fields for growing food, this turned into perma-growth as there are six months of big snow this far north and in this altitude.
- The work has been ongoing for eighteen years now. -
A long time because some of the staff, one after the other, left to go back to their former life style. Fourteen persons came
to be eight persons only and the work therefore took ever so much longer. The property, partly steep, became shaped up with terraces, roads between them for use of tractor. About a hundred trees were planted and below-ground connections were laid between all buildings, outhouses, barn and the nursery for all amenities and today’s creature comfort.
The sound studio was running as well and during the first years a double album in Norwegian,
'Speilet' (the mirror), was launched by E.M.I. Norway.
There was also to be solved the project of a setting up a day clinic for Spinologi.
For a start we found a place close by, at Arneberg, until we found a place in Moelv, Doktorgård.
By now everything is up and running, we are doing a day clinic in Moelv. And on the home farm,
which is our head-quarter, everything runs as a home farm must run. Renovating, repairing, growing perma
crop, fetching firewood in the forest, picking the wild berries, and mushrooms, collecting herbs for our clinic shop,
chasing away the moose from the yard and so on. Plowing away the snow loads in winter, plowing the fields in summer, chasing away the neighbour’s sheep and cattle, skiing and snowboarding in the alpine centre right up the hill.
In addition to running our clinic we create music, art, video, writing, do meditation, t’ai chi,
gourmet cooking, aerobics and weight lifting in the gym, browsing in our extensive library,
esoteric studies and research on reconciliation of the psychic bodies.